
Showing posts from June 26, 2016

Geometric Mean for a given K Using Recursion

Example: For a given K find:                                         1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ... + 1/(2^k) 

Return Sum of Digits of an Integer using Recursion

Example:                Input: 1234                Output: 10

Multiply two numbers using Recursion

This program is to multiply two numbers using Recursive function.

"Check a String is Pallindrome or Not" using Recursion

This program is to check whether a string is pallindrome or not using Recursion in C++. Example: Input: "malayalam"                 Output: Yes

C++ program to "Count Zeroes in an Integer" using Recursion

This program will show you How to count number of zeroes in a given integer using Recursion. Example:    Input:10208                     Output: 2

C++ program to "Convert String to it's corresponding Integer" using Recursion

In this program we'll learn How to convert a string into into corresponding integer value. Example: To convert string "1234" to its integer value 1234. #include <iostream> #include<string.h> #include<math.h>